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Showing posts from March, 2020

Army Ham

Ive been washing a lot of M*A*S*H and I had the opportunity to eat like an army field surgeon. Canned ham and instant mashed potatoes (not pictured). It was interesting, not too bad, and very salty.  Snapseed: Retrolux 13


Outside my local Walgreens. A little pointless since barely anyone is out anyways


When I get very stressed, my left eye unvoluntarily twitches. Im not fond of experiencing what is classified by movies as a sign of madness. The need to relax is vital and the best way is with a cup of tea and a book.  (current read: Mansfield Park by Jane Austen)

This is My Carpet?

We typically arent attentive to things we see everyday, especially things that arent near our eyes. Thanks to quarantine, I noticed that the carpet in my old bedroom actually has every color and a 90’s vibe to it.  editing: Photo Mirror

Air Dry

One benefit of being off campus and staying in a place with a backyard is that I get to air dry my hair. 

Construction Conspiracy

Ohio is known for its contstant roadwork but it seems there is much more in addition to the usual. Is COVID just so we can get back in the game with updating infrastructure with as little inconveience as possible?    Both pictures: afterlight selective hue up twice for orange and red. Desaturation of other parts Top: afterlight filter alpental  Bottom: afterlight filter flora

Little Flowers

Before the “stay at home” goes into affect tonight, I did what any person living in the COVID age would do: go hiking with two friends. We tossed a frisbee and I almost tripped trying not to step and these lovely little flowers. Thank goodness spring is on its way  Snapseed: Drama dark 1 Afterlight: sharpening and saturation

Leaving for Stay at Home

Ohio just received the “stay at home” order, closing all nonessential businesses and making it a second level misdemeanor to be outside without a real cause.  (Exercise, food shopping, and taking care of dependent realtives are real causes so it isnt too terrible) Part of this “stay at home” order means I will be moving to be with family and I realized I will not be seeing my kitchen table for a long while and had yet to utilize the fact its made of glass. I decided to take a snapshot of how it looks my last night (until at least April 6th) here.  Afterlight: Row filter

Baking Soda

There are many things that can prevent time indoors from being enjoyable and a bad smell is a big one. A bowl of chopped onions that were overdue to be thrown out fell on the floor. The bowl didnt make it. To the rescue was baking soda. You just pour it over the area and it soaks up the smell.  Of course, it doesnt work immediately and life doesnt stop, so during the waiting period some misplaced steps occured.  No editing has been done to this photo

Flora and Fauna

On one of my many trips to the store to buy extra things for my family, I chanced upon this goose yesterday. Ive since named it Goosetta. A goose does not care about diseases and will obstinately be wherever it pleases. Although, it looks like it also chose quarantine since it is in the box and its mate (named Harold) was spied 50ft away, standing alone in a puddle.    Afterlight: increased brightness twice Snapseed: dodge brush, Fine Art B/W filter

Light Trails Mrk. 2+3

What started out as a simple outline quickly evolved It was discovered one could create “night sprites” Lastly it was attempted to spell. Thank you Theresa for helping me take all of these photos in the cold! No affects have been added

Light and Shadows

No editing has been done 

Fun App!

Insta Toon Super Toon Filter Comic Filter

The Power of Filters

After saturating the irises more, these are just different filters from Afterlight. 


Remember when everyone was obsessed with matcha and chia bowls?   Matcha: bit of saturation in snapseed Chia bowl: vintage 08 and bit of saturation in snapseed

Light Diptych

General Picture and Detail picture diptych

Inset Pictures

Practicing places images inside one another. Mosaic inside the National shrine of the Immaculate Conception Created with Photoshop